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Program & Services

The programs that make up Follow-Through Inc  are carefully crafted to engage student-athletes, their families, coaches and community, and ensure that our resources are deployed for maximum impact. We work closely with student-athletes and truly listen to their individual journeys to create a support program that puts them on the path toward creating a positive outcome for our Student-Athletes and their families.

Our programs are based on methodologies and lessons drawn from years of our staff's work all aspects of education, athletic and community involvement and we are continually refining our efforts to ensure our Student-Athletes are receiving the best programs possible.


All student-athletes with the support and guidance necessary to meet their individual educational/career goals and to graduate and be prepared to gain entrance into higher education. Services include College Aspirations, Academic Planning For College , College affordability Planning, College Admission Processes, and Transition from High School Graduation to College Enrollment. 


This service provides our high school student-athletes with the individual support necessary to be successful in high school and to prepare for college Athletics. Follow Through support includes SAT and other test preparation, understanding core courses, sports specific marketing and recruitment strategies, NCAA & NAIA Waivers, level of completions application/financial aid workshops, college visits and NCAA eligibility and recruiting guidance.

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This service provides our college student-athletes with the support and guidance necessary to meet their individual educational/career goals and to graduate  and be prepared to gain employment in the work force. Services include  Resume building,  interview and networking skills, internship assistance, career mentoring, internship assistance and career in sports exposure.


This service provides our college student-athletes with the support and guidance necessary to meet their individual personal/athletic goals and to graduate and be adequately prepared and to be self sufficient. Services include time management, social media Etiquette and Communication, goal setting and decision making.

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